Wednesday, July 27, 2011

S is for Stress and how to reduce it, which turns out to be eleven!

Everyone has stress, and everyone needs to find a way to deal with it, or it can become deadly.  I tried to put together some stress release techniques that may not be as well known, so some may find relief if they aren’t getting it from the mainstream.  These are techniques that are working for me or have worked for me in the past.  I hope they help!

01.  Yoga:  Many people are turned off by the idea of yoga for two reasons.  Some are turned off by the fact that they associate it with spacy, hippie types who do nothing but try to find enlightenment.  Others see it as the pretzel like twisting that seems impossible without dislocating joints.  Although, you can find both among yoga practitioners, this is not all it is about.  Yoga is a form of stretching the body while releasing stress from the body and the mind.  It can be practiced in forms that are viable for people of all body types, including those with restricted movement, illnesses, and morbid obesity.  Not only does it help people to center their minds and relax mentally, it releases muscle tension, leaving you physically relaxed afterwards.

I always feel like a limp noodle after a round of yoga, and it is like a special treat to myself.  I don’t have the room to practice right now, and it feels like I am missing something.  While I am strictly beginner’s level, I get a lot out of it.  If you can’t afford a class, you can find many instructional videos online.

02.  Taking time out for yourself:  This may be obvious, but it is something that most people don’t do, simply because they feel they don’t have time.  You must make time.  It doesn’t have to be a whole afternoon (though this is very good).  It can be as short as taking five minutes out of every day.  Sit down and enjoy your favorite beverage, without trying to get work done, taking care of the family, or planning out your day.  Take time when you get to work to just sit and listen to a song on the radio before going in.  Play with your pet – it’s good for both of you.  Allow yourself this time every day, regardless of how busy you may be or how chaotic things are.  Let it become a ritual, and you may find that it is a small solace that you look forward to each day.

Having a hard time getting everyone to leave you alone for this?  Do whatever you need to do to facilitate it.  Lock yourself in the bathroom; sit in the car; leave the house; just make sure you do it for yourself.  It isn’t selfish.  It’s about letting yourself have a little time to forget about the stressors, and it may help you to more easily take care of the rest of your day.

03   Meditation/ Guided Imagery:  Meditation does not require sitting in an ashram, wearing pajamas, and contemplating your naval.  All it requires is centering yourself and letting your mind unfocus and take some time off, eventually retraining your brain to relax itself without all of the effort.  Not sure where to start?  Try some pages like this one:

04.  Guided imagery is guiding your mind into an imaginary place, as if to give yourself a mental vacation.  Most people begin by listening to a recording (or a guiding speaker) that leads them through the process.  I began when I was in the hospital, after I had a breakdown.  We began by relaxing and imagining walking down a garden path into the most beautiful garden I could imagine, with no stress and no worries.  Eventually, I worked myself to where I could imagine for myself.  It is the most useful skill I learned after the hospitalization and is responsible for allowing me to go to sleep many times when I am sick with stress.  It’s also fun.  As I said, it is like taking a mental mini vacation.  Again, if you would like to try this, check out some pages like this one:

05.  Pet therapy:  It has been greatly promoted that those with pets have lower stress levels than those without.  This is because it is true.  Taking out time each day to play with your pet, pet your little one, or just watch them; will result in a distraction to the mind and a boost of happiness from enjoying the little one you share your life with.  Take your dog for a walk, toss a toy around for your pet, whistle with your bird, watch your fish …  It will likely be as good for your pet as it is for you.

06. Planning it out:  Most people feel overwhelmed by what they have to get down every day and what they know they are going to have to face later on.  Sometimes, if you simply sit down and make a list of what you need to do, you can accurately determine the things that must be done and the ones that can be eliminated.  It also gives you a size of obligation, instead of just imagining an abstract weight of need.  Making a plan for what you need to do and a schedule for when it needs to be finished can put things into perspective.  It’s like organizing your bag, instead of just tossing everything into it in a pile.  Making your tasks more accessible can make them less stressful.

07.  Baths:  Simple but effective.  Taking time off to have a bath can relax the tension in the body and help to release it in the mind.  Consider using some scented candles, playing your favorite music, or taking a book in with you.  This can be used as your private time every day, allowing you some privacy of the bathroom and making a great way to end each day.

08.  Act like a kid:  Know why kids use all those toys and silly things?  Because it’s fun!  Just because you’ve reached the age of adulthood, it doesn’t mean you can’t act like a kid.  Get a silly toy and let yourself enjoy playing.  Get a bottle of bubbles and relax while you seem them float away (This can be combined with two of the previous listings.  Use guided imagery to imagine your stress floating away and bursting with each bubble.  Buy your bubbles at the pet store, and spend the time with your pet – mainly cats of dogs – blowing bubbles and watching them catch them.).  Get a coloring book and enjoy the simple pleasure you used to know in filling in that page.  It doesn’t have to involve a lot of money.  Go to the dollar store and enjoy picking something from the toy section.  Take yourself to a time when you didn’t have the weight of the world on your shoulders.

09.  Treat yourself:  Even when you are having to pinch every penny, it is important to allow yourself a treat from time to time.  Get that pricy flavored coffee you enjoy.  Get an ice cream cone.  Pick up a hobby magazine or comic.  Buy yourself a new candle.  Even though life often feels like nothing more than trying to reach an end game, sometimes you have to acknowledge that it is also about enjoying yourself and having some happiness in your life.  This doesn’t have to be a purchase.  It can also be an experience.  Go to a free event.  Take an evening out for Bible study or going to a hobby group.  It’s just important that you let yourself be the important thing.

10.  Prioritize:  You may have to go to work, take care of your kids, and do regular chores; but you don’t have to do everything.  Which is more important, making sure the carpet is vacuumed and making sure the windows10 are washed or taking an evening to watch a movie with friends?  Even though we would like to accomplish everything on that mental list, sometimes you need to mark off those things that can be skipped, so you can enjoy your life.  Put off the laundry and read that book that’s been sitting around since you bought it weeks ago, wanting to read it so badly.  Skip the trip to the grocery store and use those pantry goods that are piling up, so you can take a walk with your spouse.  Realize what is and isn’t important and hold yourself to it.  There is always another day for chores, but spending time on yourself and loved ones shouldn’t be put off.

11.  Music therapy:  Like pets, music is a classic stress reducer.  Something in the notes lets our mind quiet and allows that tension to slip away.  Take some time off to listen to your favorite song.  Play a favorite CD or playlist while you do your work or chores.  Sing (even if it is badly) in the shower.  Let yourself sink into the experience entirely.  Mix this in with treating yourself and pick up a new CD from time to time.  Just let yourself enjoy the song.

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