Wednesday, July 27, 2011

V is for videos of the AMV kind.


Ok, when I wrote "C is for characters in the key of Anime Minor", I did not plan to do any other blogs on anime topics; because I wanted to diversify and make blogs that different groups would appreciate (as long as it was something that I wanted to write).  However, one thing that I really enjoy is anime music videos (a.k.a.).  For those that aren't aware what these are (though I doubt that anyone who would read this one is unaware), it is a music video, usually fan made, using an anime (or sometimes non-anime animation) for the footage.  Pride is taken in finding good song, anime, and character combinations; and the battle is to see who can edit it together the best, sometimes using special effects to enhance it.

Whenever I find a new anime I like, I will end up online, trying to find a good AMW for the series and then for my favorite characters.  I also try to find great AMVs for favorite bands and songs.  This is not altogether successful, because most AMV creators don't seem to like the same type of music as I do.  I did find one AMV that was a tribute to one of my favorite anime characters, set to one of my favorite songs (Kakashi tribute for "Winterborn" by Cruxasdows), but it was taken off YouTube.  I had the same experience with a great Cowboy Bebop, Ein & Ed tribute to the song, "Bounce" by System of a Down (which I had never heard of until I started watching AMVs), but it suffered the same disappearance.  At least now, I have learned to save them, just in case it disappears.  I just hope that I learn to do the same with my blogs... D:

I am sure that most of my friends who also watch AMVs have either already seen most or all of these, but I'm still picking favorites.  I hope you can just enjoy them again.  :)

So, I wanted to take this chance to make a little tribute of my own to one of my great hobbies.  I decided to make it difficult for myself by making these rules:

No anime may be used more than once, even if it is a different character featured.

There will be no use of the same song more than once.  (This is more difficul than you might thing, since you tend to get a popular song that creators use to make a video for several series -- often successfully.)

There will be no anime remixes/ mixes, where more than one anime was used to make a video. 

I hope, one day, to make one of these; but I keep getting myself turned around it.  We'll see.  In the meantime, bring on the videos!

01. Series:  "Naruto"
      Song:    “Chop Suey” by System of a Down
      Title:     "Self-righteous Suicide -- A Haku and Kimimaro tribute"

One of the things I really enjoy about this video is that it includes three of my favorite minor characters (all found on the "C" blog).  It was well done, despite some poor quality video, with a song that is a great compliment to the characters.  The basic idea behind it is that Haku and Kimimaro had very similar stories and similar fates.  

For whatever reason, Blogger refused to find this on YouTube, even when checking with the exact name.  I am linking a copy that someone posted on YT, but please go here to give credit to the creator of the video:

02. Series:  "Big O"
      Song:    "The Pretender" by Foo Fighters
      Title:     "Big O AMV - The Pretender"

"Big O" will always be one of my favorites, because it was such a unique and creative idea, with great characters that made me not care about the weird animation style.  This is a generally about the series; but it is focused as a tribute to Roger Smith, the Batman of anime.  Small note, Alan Gabriel (the crazy looking guy in the pinstriped suit) is possibly my favorite anime villain of all time, and that is really saying something.  

03. Series:  "Fullmetal Alchemist"
      Song:    "Citizen Soldier" by 3 Doors Down
      Title:    "Roy Mustang and Team ~Citizen Soldier AMV~"

I love this one, because it is a great depiction of the State Alchemists as noble, brave people who are trying to save everyone; going through Hell just to do it.  Too many AMVs (in my opinion) show them as either comedic or just combat.  It's nice to see something more :: cough :: normal.  It's also does show preference to Roy Mustang, who is my favorite "Fullmetal " character.   

04. Series:  "One Piece"
      Song:    "Prayer of the Refugee" by Rise Against
      Title:    "This is One Piece Amv"

"One Piece" is very near and dear to me, and this is actually my favorite AMV.  The song match is fantastic, the editing is nothing short of spectacular, and they manage to pick up the highlights of a big portion of the anime -- no small feat, since the series spans several hundred episodes.

05. Series:  "Mushi-shi"
      Song:    "Mad World" by Paranoia
      Title:    "Mushishi AMV - Mad World Paranoia"

Oh, where do I begin on this one?  This is one of those great series that have no weak episodes and is completely engaging.  I will admit to having an anime crush on the main character, Ginko.  Even if I didn't, I would still think the anime was spectacular.  It is an episodic series about about Mushi (essentially spirit creatures that live naturally around the world but go unnoticed by most) and Ginko, a Mushi-shi (Mushi master), who travels around trying to help people to not be harmed by Mushi and help Mushi to not be harmed by humans.  This AMV is such a wonderful representation of the series.  Notice the gorgeous scenery.  Ok, I'll stop gushing...

06. Series:  "Cowboy Bebop"
      Song:    "Stress" by Jim Infantino
      Title:    "Cowboy Bebop AMV - Stress"

Ok, this is a lot like what I said about the above video.  "Cowboy Bebop" is one of the other very few series that I will say had no weak episodes, great characters, an engaging storyline, etc.  It is a classic piece that all anime viewers should watch.  This song and the video made for it are such great pairs to the actual series that I fell in love with this one right away. 

If there are people reading this who have never watched "Cowboy Bebop" (:: gasp! ::), let me answer the one question I always am asked.  What is up with the weird name?  The series is about a group of space bounty hunters -- bounty hunters also being called "cowboys".  The series is very themed to jazz and blues music and as a tie in to this, they're ship is called the Bebop.  So, you know, "Cowboy Bebop"...

07. Series:  "Avatar: The Last Airbender"
      Song:    "Riot" by Three Day's Grace
      Title:    "Avatar - Riot - Three Days Grace"

This was not a true anime, because it was made in America, blah, blah, blah.  There are a lot of arguments back and forth that are good, but I'm just going with "anime".  Anyway, this one is a lot like what I said about the "One Piece" AMV.  It is a  great highlights reel of much of the series with  impressive editing that is, line for line, perfect. 

08. Series:  "Bleach"
      Song:    "Phenomenon" by Thousand Foot Krutch
      Title:    "Bleach-Phenomenon"

 This is another great highlights type AMV with really great editing, which amazes me.  I am struggling with the idea of making a basic AMV, and look at what these people can do!  Amazying!

09. Series:  "Black Butler"
      Song:    "Creepy Doll" by Jonathan Coulton
      Title:    "Drocell is a Creepy Doll"

As mentioned in the "C" blog, I love Drocell Keinz.  I love creepy puppets and creepy puppet masters.  This character only appeared in two episodes, but he was so endearing -- in a creepy way -- that he has developed quite a following.  This song is a perfect match for him, and it was well done to match the story telling style of the song.  

10. Series:  "Eureka 7"
      Song:    "How to Save a Life" by The Fray
      Title:    "Eureka 7 AMV How to save a Life (Eureka Seven)"

 This one made me cry again today, when I was deciding on the AMVs to choose.  Of course, you probably have to know the story, but it really is wonderfully emotional video.  This is an anime that I'm always surprised that many minor to moderate anime watchers missed, even with it being show on Cartoon Network's anime block.  It is many thing, but one of the things I always remember about it is the two representations of true love.  This addresses one of them. 

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